Purpl3F0x Secur1ty

Pentesting, reverse engineering, and phishing & malware analysis.

4 October 2019

Vulnhub - Misdirection

by purpl3f0x


Misdirection is a pretty simple OSCP-like machine that was very recently released by InfoSec Prep’s very own FalconSpy. He built it as some extra practice for people who are gearing up for OSCP and want something outside of the PWK labs. You can find it here.

Part 1 - Recon

This part was appropriately simple for beginners, not a lot of digging here necessary to get going really. I started as always with Sparta, my recon tool of choice, Sparta kicks off incrementally more intense nmap scans, and as it finds services, it kicks off extra enumeration tools automatically.

So there’s not much going on here, got the usual HTTP server, SSH, and MySQL. The MySQL database was denying logins from anything except localhost so there was no point pursuing that.

On port 80 there was a generic looking website that seemed to revolve around e-voting. Initial poking around and source code examination didn’t turn anything up, so I took a peek at what was running on port 8080. Just the default Apache2 page.

Time to start digging into the web server more. I ran: gobuster -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

I tested these directories one by one, but the only one that really had anything interesting was /debug:

This shell was running as www-data so it was limited. It was also a bit slow and not really proper, so I sent myself a better shell with:

Once I got this shell I “upgraded” it with

python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Part 2 - Privilege Escalation 1

Www-data is very limited in what it can do, so the first step is to priv esc up to a proper user. The name of the user on this system was brexit. I have to admit, I got stumped here for maybe an hour. There was a text-book priv esc technique that I completely skipped because I assumed this technique wouldn’t apply to www-data: Checking sudo permissions:

On one hand, I thought this was a little too easy, but in a way, a little obscure too. I think it would be easy to assume that www-data would never have sudo permissions. Oh well, I’ll chalk this up as “never leave anything to assumptions.” With this, I had the first flag:

Part 3 - Privilege Escalation 2

Now, I got stuck yet again here, running thru the usual priv esc motions, trying out some SUID binaries, looking for passwords, world-writable files etc. But there was something that evaded my eye for quite a while. When I finally realised what I was looking at, I realised I may have a way in:

The passwd file is writable by the brexit group.

My first attempts at inserting a user failed. I tried making one with no password, one with a plaintext password, but it wouldn’t let me su, citing Authentication Failure.

So I had to look up a way to hash a password to throw into this file, and I found a way here.

So I generated the password, and added onto the passwd file accordingly:

Then came the big moment, trying su for the fourth time:


All in all I’d say that as long as you’re paying attention, and leaving no stone unturned, and not making dumb assumptions like I did, this is a prety easy box. As an OSCP holder this reminded me that I really need to stop assuming something may not be a potential priv esc avenue and leave nothing to chance and always go thru all the steps. For people studying for OSCP, it’s probably a good lesson for them to learn as well.


The InfoSec Prep Discord server - https://discord.gg/YyWxwE

Misdirection on VulnHub - https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/misdirection-1,371/

Understanding how passwords are stored in Linux - https://www.slashroot.in/how-are-passwords-stored-linux-understanding-hashing-shadow-utils

tags: Pentesting - VulnHub